Neuromuscular Skeletal conditions are common in all of us. We can all experience sprains, strains and pain that just won’t go away resulting from repetitive strains in our work place or from trauma in our everyday lives. Pain and inflammation are things we’ve grown to accept as something we probably will just have to live with. Medical practitioners across North America have discovered a modern medical technology that heals injuries safely and effectively on a cellular level. This medical technology is the Theralase line of therapeutic medical laser systems. The Theralase superpulsed laser system can penetrate up to 4 inches into tissue, to promote cellular regeneration at the source of injury. Laser energy helps to repair damaged cells by accelerating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Depending on the severity of the injury, a patient can return to an active lifestyle pain-free within a few weeks versus months or years of life altering pain.
How Red Light Heals the Body
Demonstrating and explaining the healing power of laser light.
Why and how is cold laser therapy effective?
Much of the safety and effectiveness of cold laser therapy lies in its ability to trigger the body to heal itself. Penetrating into targeted tissue, laser light stimulates mitochondria in target cells to produce additional ATP, which fuels cell repair and regeneration. The laser simply jumpstarts the healing process and since the laser used operates within a specific wavelength range that is non thermal (the “therapeutic window”), there is no risk of tissue damage or other complications. A wide variety of studies on the safety and effectiveness of cold laser therapy have been conducted by medical professionals from across the globe. Theralase also regularly conducts research and clinical trials to support the use of and discover new applications for laser technology.
Some recent topics include:
- Laser Therapy in the Management of Chronic Myofascial Pain of the Neck
- Action of Diode Laser in Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Effects of Laser Therapy in the Management of Lateral Epicondylitis
- Acute Cervical Pain Relief with Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Laser Radiation
- Efficacy of Low Level Laser Therapy for Fibromyalgia
Cellular Pathway Activation
Explains how the Theralase therapeutic laser activates all 3 known cellular pathways
Theralase utilizes dual wavelength super pulsing technology (630 nm visible red laser diodes and 905 nm super-pulsed near infrared laser diodes) to be the only laser known to activate all three known cellular pathways simultaneously.
Cells that lack energy are unable to participate in the healing process. Light energy is delivered to injured cells which in turn absorbs the light and converts it into food energy and uses it to replenish themselves. Once cells are fully recharged they are able to replicate and divide, and build upon one another to heal the injured area. Theralase stimulates the mitochondria of the cell to produce more ATP (energy) thus repairing damaged tissue through the phosphorylation of glucose to ATP via the Kreb’s Cycle and Electron Transport Chain. Photons with wavelengths between 630nm – 670nm increase the speed at which the mitchondria can absorb glucose and convert it into ATP. Theralase uses 660 nm visible red laser light, which is at the peak excitation of cytochrome C oxidase (a critical cytochome in the Electron Transport Chain used in the phosphorylation of glucose into ATP) Theralase stimulates the mitochondria of the cell to produce more Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP or basic cell energy) to accelerate tissue repair. (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 2003)
Nitric Oxide (NO) Pathway -Decreases Inflammation
When tissue injury occurs, the inflammatory process is initiated to immobilize the area to prevent further damage, providing us with an indication that the body is hurt. This process is usually associated with pain caused by inflammation pressuring nerve endings. In order to reabsorb this interstitial fluid and decrease inflammation in the region, the body produces nitric oxide (NO), which has been proven to relax the lymphatic system causing it to become more porous allowing the reabsorption process to occur. This process not only reduces inflammation but causes temporary vasodilation (increased diameter of capillaries) bringing much needed oxygen, fuel molecules and other metabolites to the injured tissue aiding in their natural healing. Independent research proves that the proprietary Theralase 905nm super-pulsed laser Technology increases the production of nitric oxide (NO) by over 700%, increasing vasodilation and decreasing inflammation versus other competitive wavelengths. (Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2009).
Lipid Absorption Pathway – Removes Pain
Pain results when a stimulus causes action potentials to rapidly propogate along a nerve cell. These actions potentials are primarily due to an expulsion of positively charged sodium ions (Na+) and an influx of potassium (K+) ions into the nerve cell altering the electrical potential across the membrane. The peak absoption of lipids is in the 905 nm to 910 nm range. Laser light is thus directly absorbed by receptors within the bi-lipid cellular membrane of nerve cells. Once absorbed, the laser light will increase the porosity of the cellular membrane allowing for a reabsorption of sodium ions and expulsion of potassium ions across the cellular membrane rebalancing the sodium-potassium pump and removing the pain signal at source.
Photons with wavelengths of 905 nm effectively removes the pain signal from source by rebalancing the sodium potassium pathway. Theralase laser technology effectively removes the pain signal at source by rebalancing the sodium potassium pathway. (Harvard Medical School 2010)
Why use LLLT?
Many LLLT systems are portable, and treatments can be done virtually anywhere there is a trained technician. LLLT systems are comparatively inexpensive and provide solutions to a wide range of clinical conditions with a single device. LLLT has been proven to work more quickly and often at an earlier stage than conventional surgery or therapy; thus, reducing treatment and recovery times. Put simply, LLLT offers cost savings for institutions and better health care for patients at reduced costs.
Is LLLT safe?
LLLT is painless and is well tolerated by patients of all ages and conditions. During more than 35 years of clinical use, it has never resulted in a serious side effect. Therapeutic laser systems are athermic (no heat) and therefore incapable of causing tissue damage. As well, cells have a natural ability to resist over-stimulation, meaning it is not possible to harm tissue by overdosing, as long a you use a therapeutic laser that is used in the therapeutic window and remains below the Maximum permissible Exposure (MPE) of tissue.
Treatable Conditions
The Theralase superpulsed laser has over 24 clinically proven pre-programmed treatments for human applications.
Pain Management
Pain is believed to originate from an ionic differentiation of potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) ions across a cellular membrane. Theralase 905 nm super-pulsed laser technology increases cellular membrane permeability and causes a reabsorption of sodium and expulsion of potassium molecules, removing the gradient and thus the pain signal at source.
LLLT has an anti-oedemic effect, as it causes vasodilation, but also because it activates the lymphatic drainage system to drain interstitial fluid (drains swollen areas).
Anti-Pain (Analgesic)
As a result of reduced inflammation, there is less oedema and therefore less pain. LLLT stimulates vasodilation and lymphatic drainage, which increases the reabsorption of pain-causing products. LLLT delivers 905 nm super-pulsed infrared wavelength light, which is absorbed by the bi-lipid layer comprising the cellular membrane and thus regulates the nerve cell’s sodium-potassium pump. This pump maintains the potential across the membrane of a nerve cell, which leads to pain transmission signals. By regulating the pump, transmission of pain signals from the area can be eliminated.
No clinically tested modality is proven to be more effective for arthritis. While arthritis is a chronic condition without a cure, Theralase therapeutic laser treatments can provide substantial relief from symptoms by reducing inflammation of the joints, eliminating pain, increasing range of motion of the joints and improving immune cell production and efficiency.
Theralase lasers reduce inflammation in arthritis-affected joints by stimulating the lymphatic system, which drains interstitial fluid from tissues located in the injured area. Laser treatments also regenerate immune cells (lymphocytes). The lymphatic system carries these lymphocytes to the injured area where they excrete bioenergy used to destroy infection. When Theralase empowers the lymphocytes, each cell releases more bioenergy making it a better combatant. A Theralase super pulsed laser has the unique ability to penetrate tissue up to 4″ below the dermis – 5 times further than our closest competitor – treating deep chronic arthritis conditions commonly found in the knees and shoulders.
Wound Healing
Laser treatments accelerate each of the three phases associated with the natural healing of wounds: inflammation, proliferation and remodeling. The result is a reduction in pain, inflammation reduction, increased stimulation of connective tissue (granulation tissue) and increased capillary production (angiogenesis) leading to improved blood flow during proliferation.
Despite the pain associated with this stage, the inflammatory phase is necessary for tissue repair. First, in the area of the wound, there appear platelets and white blood cells to coagulate the blood and stop blood loss.. Next, anincreased number of macrophages clean the area and remove dead tissue by engulfing and destroying foreign matter and damaged cells. Macrophages also release products (known as “factors”) that stimulate proliferation – the second step of wound healing.
This is the formation of “granulation tissue”. There is an activation of fibroblasts and angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the production of new capillaries (small blood vessels). Fibroblasts are connective tissue cells that form the basis of new tissue. A special kind of fibroblast is the myofibroblast. This cell can contract itself like a smooth muscle cell and in this manner diminish the surface size of the wound.This process is known as collagen synthesis.
This is the final step of wound contraction, where the tissue starts to contract and return to its normal appearance.
What happens when a laser is placed on an open wound?
Laser treatment accelerates the different healing phases, preserving only the necessary components of the inflammatory phase, resulting in a shorter inflammatory reaction causing less pain. Laser stimulates the fibroblasts during the proliferation phase, speeds up angiogenesis and causes temporary vasodilation (blood vessels increase in diameter). Greater blood flow equals more efficient delivery of oxygen and fuel molecules to the area and a faster removal of waste products; thus allowing a greater production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) – the basic energy source of a cell. In angiogenesis, the final result is a greater production of blood vessels through the growth of new tissue. Laser also accelerates the absorption of a haematoma through the stimulation of prostacyclin.
Theralase advanced anti-aging system is designed for facial rejuvenation and the treatment of various dermatological conditions. This non-invasive system erases years of lines and wrinkles without surgery or painful recuperation time. By combining laser/acupuncture facial points and both near infrared and visible red light, treatments optimize skin health and appearance through the production of collagen and elastin, both essential to healthier more youthful skin.
Treatable Conditions:
- Acne
- Herpes Simplex
- Psoriasis
- Rosacea
- Sutures
- Keloids
- Scarring
- Wrinkles
- Stretch Marks
Post Surgical Healing:
- Tummy Tuck
- Breast Augmentation
- C-Section
How Does It Work?
Light therapy has been shown to improve vascularity (circulation) by increasing the formation of new capillaries. New capillaries speed up the healing process by supplying additional oxygen and nutrients needed for healing and stimulate the production of collagen. One of the secondary mechanisms of light therapy is increased collagen synthesis. Collagen is the most common protein found in the body and is the essential protein used to repair and replace damaged tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together, along with elastin, thus forming a high degree of elasticity. Increasing both collagen and elastin production will decrease scar tissue at the injured site.
Do Theralase lasers burn?
No. There are two general types of medical lasers: heat generating lasers which cut through tissue and damage tissue and cold lasers such as the Theralase, which stimulate tissue repair, reduce inflammation and eliminate pain.
Are Theralase lasers harmful?
No. Theralase lasers used for tissue stimulation are not strong enough to damage cells; so even if they were used 24 hours a day on your condition, they would not be able to harm you.
Do Theralase lasers work?
Yes. Theralase laser therapy is safe, effective and painless, with results which are often immediate with no side effects. Efficacy rates in excess of 90% are routinely achieved.
How do Theralase lasers work?
When laser light interacts with tissue it causes certain photochemical reactions to occur and stimulates natural biological healing processes, thus transforming light energy into chemical energy.
How long does the therapy take?
Treatment time will vary from as little as 2 minutes to as long as 20 minutes per session. The total number of treatment sessions required varies between 5 to 25 depending on your body’s natur~1 healing rate and the severity of your condition.
Theralase is a proven medical device that safely and effectively stimulates deep tissue regeneration and relieves pain and inflammation.
Rapid Cell Growth
Theralase Laser light accelerates cellular reproduction and growth.
Faster Wound Healing
Theralase Laser light stimulates fibroblast development and accelerates collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
Anti-Inflammatory Action
Theralase Laser light reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of joints to provide enhanced joint mobility.
Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation
Theralase Laser light reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from: cuts, scratches, burns, or post surgery.
Increased Metabolic Activity
Theralase Laser light produces higher outputs of specific enzymes, greater oxygen and food particle loads for blood cells ~nd thus greater production of the basic food source for cells: Adenosine triphosphate(ATP).
Increased Vascular Activity
Theralase Laser light induces temporary vasodilation increasing blood flow to damaged areas.
Stimulated Nerve Function
Theralase Laser light speeds up the process of nerve cell reconnection to bring the numb areas or “dead limbs” caused by slow recovery of nerve function in damaged tissue back to life.